Archive | March, 2012

Escalating Density Workout

19 Mar

Anyone ever heard of EDT or Escalating Density Training???

It is a very simple and effective idea designed by strength Charles Staley.

It goes like this. Pick 2 exercises and do as many reps as you can in 20 minutes. Rest 5-10 mins and pick another 2 exercises and do as many reps in 20 mins as possible. That’s it! 4 exercises for each workout. The next time you do that particular workout, you will try to do more reps than the first one.

Here is an example workout:

Barbell bench press and seated row. Pick a weight that you can normally do 10-12 reps of to failure. Do as many reps in 20 mins as you can alternating between the 2 exercises. Start by doing about 5 reps of each exercise with little (15-30secs) or no rest between. As you the workout progresses and you fatiuge, rest longer. Keep track of your reps, as you will need to know what number to beat next time you do it. Whenever you are able to do 20% more reps for the same workout, increase the weight by 5%.

Remember to FOCUS on GOOD FORM!!!!

Try this at home version (H) or gym version (G)

Monday (lower body/core)

1. a) squats (H)  or Leg extension (G)

b) hip lifts (H) or ham curls (G)

rest 5-10mins

2. a) sit-ups (H) (G)

b) superman back extension (H) (G)

Tuesday Upper body

1. a) Push-ups (H) or bench press (G)

b) Lat pull downs or pull -ups (G)

2. a) dips (H) or shoulder press (G)

b) band row (H) or seated row (G)

Wed Rest

Thursday Lower body/ core

1. a) alt lunges (H or G)

b) Russian twists (H or G)

2. a) skipping (H) or calf raises (G)

b) bird dog (H or G)

Friday Upper body

1. a) incline push-ups (H) or close grip bench press (G)

b) band bicep curls (H) or incline curls (G)

2. a) band flyes (H) or Dumbbell flyes (G)

b) band reverse curls or DB preacher hammer curls (G)


Ryan Cairns CSEP-CPT